The Easy PL International Scoreboard System is a system that let you manage a power lifting competition from the beginning entry list to the final classification.
It has been developed according to the IPF rules and is suitable for managing competition for clubs.
A simple menu will guide the user during all the process.
• Information about the competition
• Body weight and age categories
• Points to assign to clubs for classification
• Competitor informations
• Best result per athlete
• Club information
Groups of competitors can be mixed in any way. Different categories can be joined. Single category can be divided. Each sigle athlete can be assigne to any group.
The body weight and the starting weight for each exercise are recordered.
The competitor card is printed.
The section where you actually manage the competition.
The round system is used to conduct the competition. The screen shows all the informations for the speaker. The classification is updated in real time after each attempt. One big screen (not included) can be used to show to the competitors and to the audience the current athlete along with the information about the weight to be lifted, the club name, the current round. After the referees have expressed their judgement on the lift the attempt board will show their decision.
A wireless pushbutton system will allow the referees to freely move from their chair to follow the athlet movements. A visible and audible down signal will announce the athlete that the lift is completed.
The timekeeper will manage the clock by means of one pushbutton connected to the system.
At the end of the competition the final classification will be calculated and the relevant report will be printed. Classification by category and by club will be produced.